UnaWork vs. Remote Work Sites
https://youtu.be/xLynCqdBXCk Now that we have begun to experience remote work, new normals, hybrid work, and other forms of the remote lifestyle, many are looking at ways to optimize their experience. Working efficiently allows many to identify better solutions for their workforce and others. UnaWork introduces a complete platform that takes in all elements of the […]
Should Remote Workers That Relocate Be Paid Less?
You may have heard lots of arguments regarding the pros and cons of working remotely. During this recent pandemic, several companies have decided on embracing the work-from-home model. However, this decision has resulted in another issue in the corporate world. Why? These remote workers have thought of moving to relocate to more economical cities. They […]
What’s Your Biggest Struggle with Working Remotely?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exqG7Co3QbQ The concept of working remotely is not new to us. However, it has turned out to be more prominent during the post-pandemic period. Most of us feel that it has become highly advantageous to workers due to the remote working model. Employees can now work from their homes and any other place. In reality, […]
What Are Some of the Biggest Challenges with Recruiting a Remote Working Team?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V70wivrIVsI There should be no geographical boundary when hiring talent. We know this truth about recruitment, and we can apply this concept when we think of hiring a remote team. What are some of the biggest challenges when recruiting a remote working team? The recent pandemic has forced us to adapt to remote work life. Lots […]
How Is Remote Work Changing the Workforce?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTsOxqRI62s There are no signs of a downturn in the remote workforce trend, and it has progressed from marginalisation to a rushing river. The entire employment structure is evolving due to the Internet, and corporations are struggling to keep up. At the same time, there are difficulties in recruiting and managing a remote workforce. Remote […]
How Do You Communicate When You Work Virtually?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w34oJYZy96c&t=10s We will never comprehend what our teammates are doing while virtually working, which raises significant virtual work and communication problems. First of all, we need to get used to asynchronous contact, i.e., we need to acknowledge the possibility that there will be no instant reply to our message. When asking “how do you communicate when […]
6 Useful Tools that Increase Productivity and Make Remote Work Easier
Remote work requires a lot of focus, self-management, and organization. Remote jobs give you tons of freedom to delegate tasks and manage your time. However, it also means working with different productivity tools while staying organised, no matter how stressful their project becomes. If you’re not equipped with the proper tools and remote work management […]
5 Best Tools For Working At Home
So you’ve decided to take your career into your own hands and venture into the realm of working at home! Good for you! The next step is collecting all the tools necessary to take your service to the next level. Remote work software tools allow you to organize tasks, communicate, and collaborate with remote team […]
5 Tips to Be Successful When Managing A Remote Project
Every successful remote project is the result of the hard work of a project manager, especially working in relation to remote consulting companies. Whether it’s forming the original idea, forming the project team, contacting stakeholders, or holding important meetings, the project manager has many responsibilities. All these duties can be very stressful, and a stressed-out […]
Remote Work vs. The Office Environment: Which One is Better?
Remote work or stay-at-home jobs have become increasingly popular recently. The year 2020 served as an experimental stage for many companies who wanted to try out remote work. While many have found that remote work improves an employee’s performance, others disagree, stating that working-at-home leaves room for distraction and error. The traditional office working environment […]